EM 01 - Introduction to Environmental Monitoring


Introduction to Environmental Monitoring examines the roles and responsibilities of environmental monitors. As an introductory course to the Environmental Monitoring Online Certificate, the course helps students visualize the importance of environmental monitoring and subsequently related career opportunities.

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify natural resources (renewable vs. non-renewable).
  • Define sustainable development and discuss the consumer chain.
  • Discuss different management systems (stakeholder consultation, and Land and Resource Management Plans).
  • Describe the steps used in approving a proposed natural resource development project
  • Define Environmental Monitoring.
  • Discuss the role of environmental monitors at different stages of natural resource development.
  • Recognize types of EM work (baseline vs. construction, long-term vs. short-term).


Prerequisites: N/A

Requirements: PC is Recommended for better user experience. Mac is also supported. Browser Edge is not fully supported.

Price: CAN$385.00
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