Safe Prescribing for Registered Nurses with Certified Practice


Welcome to the course where you will review and acquire knowledge required to apply safe prescribing practices aligned with the Certified Practice Competencies for prescribing as well as the BCCNM Standards for certified practice nurses to prescribe medications.

To take this course, you must be a registered nurse who has successfully completed a BCCNM-recognized certified practice nursing course OR currently be registered in one of the certified practice courses.

You will be asked to upload documentation confirming either:

  • Active practicing RN (c) licensure, indicating current certified practice designation, OR
  • Evidence of current enrollment in certified practice course (RN First Call, Contraceptive Management, STI, Remote Nursing).

For more course information please go to:

Safe Prescribing for Registered Nurses with Certified Practice Course

After your course is complete: 

  • Your response to 3 course evaluation questions is required after the quiz is complete, and a certificate of course completion is generated for your records. You do not need to submit this to BCCNM.
  • To apply for prescribing authority, go to the BCCNM RN Certified Application page and complete the application form (Form 62), indicating in Part A that you are applying for BCCNM prescribing authority.



Price: CAN$300.00
© Copyright 2014 The University of Northern British Columbia